
Who We Are

Consulting Service

Jaher Group is a leading provider of consulting and engineering services worldwide. We are a diverse company, including individuals with expertise in science, research, engineering, construction, and information technology. Our strength is in collectively providing integrated services—delivering the best solutions to meet our clients' needs.

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Construction Service

Our network of building resources makes it possible to effectively mobilize experienced construction teams and cutting-edge methodologies worldwide. Jaher Group has a lot of expertise handling multicultural workforces and local considerations. We have outstanding record for providing great engineering solutions

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IT Servieces

We are a rapidly expanding IT/ITES service supplier, providing IT & ITES solutions to a broad range of clients in numerous nations around the world. Our business is supported by a management team with extensive experience in software development, which enables us to meet customer expectations.

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Our Services

It is advantageous to have experience on both the design and construction sides of a structure. By bringing together specialists from D8 Consultants Ltd. and Sahira Construction, we highlight our engineer-led design-build expertise and offer the owner a one-stop shop where our engineering and construction management expertise is applied to assess, estimate, and provide a construction schedule that is in line with the owner's goals. Then, based on the means, procedures, and timetable of building, we offer an improved design. Lower project risk and, eventually, lower overall building costs are the results.
Infrastructure Design

Our infrastructure specialists approach assignments with a wealth of expertise as well as fresh, creative ideas. We invented the "tri-brid" idea, which uses electricity, steam, and natural gas to power large-scale refrigeration plants. Our solutions are especially targeted at streamlining preventive plant maintenance and providing the system with operational freedom.

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Building Design

A global network of creative and expert building engineers and design specialists is brought together by the Jaher Group. We are well renowned for our collective work on large-scale structures.

We are adopting all latest technologies for designing tall buildings in seismic zone.

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Our network of building resources makes it possible to effectively mobilize experienced construction teams and cutting-edge methodologies worldwide. Jaher Group has a lot of expertise handling multicultural workforces and local considerations. We have outstanding record for providing great solutions.

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What We Do


From creating new buildings, bridges and communities to enhancing public space, to engineering energy, transportation, and utility systems, our vision is to make the world a better place.

Project Planning

From initial site studies, to design, to construction and commissioning, we stand by our clients as technical experts throughout the development cycle. We collaborate with planners, architects, consultants, program managers and construction managers to deliver high-performance buildings, infrastructure and communities.


Construction regulations and labor laws around the world vary greatly—and we have worked successfully under some of the toughest—and we have a proven record of working smoothly with government agencies and labor organizations.

Our Projects

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Meet Our Team

Jaher Wasim V3
Jaher Wasim
Group CEO
for ID Card
Nilufar Urmi
Abul Kashem
Executive Director